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The Couple
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The Meeting
We met online.

Friends of Emily at that time hated the guys she was meeting so they set her up with a profile on Plenty of Fish. It had mentioned that she enjoy camping.

The first message that Malcolm had sent said "warning the next line is corny. I'd pitch a tent with you any time".

Some how it worked.


The First Date
Our first date was at the Irish Heather in Gastown.

Malcolm met Emily at the skytrain and then took her to the bar through the sketchy part of town.
(M - For some reason she didn't argue or raise questions. E - The Taboo Sex Show was going on at the convention centre and had a couple of friends there in case I needed help)


The conversation went well, Emily drank her first beer (I forced myself to impress him) and a few insider jokes were started.

Something must have clicked as our second date was the next day. Malcolm skipped out of a football game to meet Emily (or so he said. Turns out the team was losing and he was bored.)


Making it Official
After a few dates, Malcolm came out to one of Emily's friends birthdays in Langley.

It was a drunk mess but fun. (the photo's on this page are from it)

She ended up falling through a curtain that she thought was a wall (it looked exactly like a wall!) but it wasn't until she was sumbling to the bar that she fell onto a couch between two guys. Malcolm was following her as she had dropped some money. He got to the couch just as the guys started chatting her up. She looked at Malcolm and said to the guys "this is my Boyfriend".

From then on, it was out there and decided that they were boyfriend & girlfriend.

The rest is history

